‘This is one of my all time favorite trilogies and I highly recommend it.’

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The Grayson Trilogy, available for the first time as a boxset, is a series of mysterious and romantic adventure stories with Emma Grayson at their heart. These emotional and thrilling reads have captivated readers with gripping storylines that will keep you guessing and enough twists and turns to ensure you’ll want to spoil yourself with just one more page before bedtime.

A woman recovering from tragedy. A man with a troubled past. Will trust build a bridge between them or will it be destroyed by dark secrets?

Shattered by her daughter’s death and tormented by her husband’s infidelity, Emma Grayson seeks refuge in solitude. As she slowly re-enters the real world, she takes on work at the sprawling Melton Estate’s stables. Initially distracted by her painful healing process, she realizes that the property’s handsome manager carries his own sadness…

Shocked when she discovers the Manor’s powerful and shadowy connections, Emma fears the clandestine activities will put her quiet job and new romance at risk. But after the estate comes under attack from Russian gangsters, she must put aside her doubts to save lives, with or without Trent’s help.

As she tries to cope with her new reality, British intelligence agents deliver frightening news: someone is out to kill her. Can Emma use her newfound strength to defeat a determined assassin, or will her tragic past stamp out her bright future?

If you like engaging characters, dark twists, and heroic finales, you’ll love Georgia Rose’s captivating series.

Start reading the Grayson Trilogy today to discover the mysterious and romantic adventure that awaits Emma!


The Grayson Trilogy is available as an ebook.

Get the Grayson Trilogy from your favourite retailer here

Or buy the ebook directly from the author here.

Editorial Reviews:

With well over 120 reviews for the Grayson Trilogy now here’s what just some readers have been saying about them…

Georgia Rose knows what makes a standard thriller. She just doesn’t play with those rules. Five stars for Thicker Than Water, a thriller that thinks, that takes time to build relationships, and that charts the aftermath. This is such a satisfying conclusion to a terrific series. I would be sad to say goodbye, except for two things. First, this is clearly a series that I’ll reread often. And second, Georgia has included a special gift at the end, the perfect little present for those who’ve made the journey with Emma and her friends.’ Barb Taub

‘The Grayson series is all about the characters. The plot is incidental to the relationships Emma develops, which come to the boil in this third segment, so if you are a reader who enjoys a bit of psychology with their romance – and TtW is the most realistically romantic of all the sections – you will enjoy this. Georgia, unlike many romance authors, has developed a male readership, perhaps because of this emphasis on psychology and interaction; possibly because of the unfussy way she writes.’ Mark Barry

‘Georgia’s writing is a breath of fresh air. She has grown with each new novel and she is not afraid to experiment with her approach. In Thicker than Water the writing is frank and explicit, so that as a reader you become completely involved in each crucial event.’ Lizanne Lloyd

‘The final part of The Grayson Trilogy, Thicker Than Water, is a great ending to the series. The Emma Grayson we have grown to love and worry about is an enigma. The reader guesses that right from the beginning. There is more to Emma than would appear, even more than she knows herself. Although Emma is an honest character, I have been wondering if she has been truthful, and this is one of the delight of first person narrators, they are so deliciously unreliable! This means that readers are forced to read between the lines, look for clues, and reinterpret their version of the story. There are many surprises right at the beginning of this novel, which make you wonder which direction the story will be taking, but Georgia Rose manages to build up suspense and twist the plot to unexpected territory. I can say no more without spoiling the reader’s enjoyment.You will not be disappointed with the ending to this entertaining trilogy, on the contrary, the ending makes having read the series worthwhile. Lucky those of you who have not read it yet! Luccia Gray

‘An amazing finale to the Grayson Trilogy! Twists and turns that you would never dream of!! I have loved all 3 books and am only sad there isn’t a 4th!!’ Gaynesgirl

‘It was the most suspenseful of the trilogy and full of so many twists and turns. It is really very well written, I found myself surprised over and over again with unexpected shifts in the plot. Ms. Rose knows how to craft a complex web and I highly recommend this.’ Sensorymama

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