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I have already read the books that make up the Howarth Family Saga Series which I thought were excellent, so I was delighted when I came across this prequel, which was written after the trilogy. You might think it was completed as an after-thought. A ploy by the author to produce yet another story using […]

One of my lovely Advance Copy Readers (thank you, Amanda) contacted me recently to say they had finished reading Hard to Forgive (and thoroughly enjoyed it, thankfully) and were loving the series with all the different aspects of suspense covered in each book. I thought that was an important point to perhaps mention again. When […]

I invited Dora Smith onto the blog this week to find out more about the person at the centre of my upcoming book, Hard to Forgive. Welcome, Dora. Make yourself comfortable. Thank you, Georgia. It’s lovely to be here. It’s been difficult to find the time to get you on the blog. You are one busy lady. […]