As we all know my memory is pretty dodgy but I think this is the first time Before the Dawn has been on any sort of offer since the release of the second edition with it’s new and atmospheric cover…

before the dawn - Georgia Rose

So for one week only, and actually now only until Friday 12 February this can be found worldwide on many different platforms at the low, low figure of 99p/99c/€0.99/INR67… and so on, you get the picture.

Here are the links…

Universal link for Amazon




Now I am fully aware that it is not much fun to be tantalisingly offered a little treat at a ridiculously low price only to find that it is the second in the series and you really need the first in order to get the full flavour of the second. But do not fear my lovelies the first in the series, A Single Step, here it is look…

A Single Step 300ppi

How glorious is that cover? Mouthwateringly pretty 🙂

Anyway, I digress – this little gem is also available for less than the price of a decent packet of biscuits – 99p/99c/€0.99/INR67…I could go on, but I won’t you’ll be pleased to hear.

Please feel free to click on the link to the platform of your choice below – there are plenty of reviews for you to check through if you want to make sure you are investing your shiny pound wisely today…

Universal link for Amazon




Thanks for reading my slick sales patter rambling 😉

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