Image by Dmitrii Bardadim from Pixabay
I invited Laura Percival onto the blog this week to find out more about the person at the centre of my upcoming book, A Killer Strikes.
Welcome, Laura. Make yourself comfortable. Ooh, and I see you’ve brought your little dog along.
Thank you, yes this is Scout. She’ll be no bother. Here, I brought you a hot chocolate for inviting me along. It’s got to be better than that dreadful decaf coffee you drink.
How thoughtful, I’m sure it will be delicious. Now, let’s get on with the interview because I know you are a busy woman and no doubt have a dozen other things you should be doing. So, tell us, Laura, where were you born?
Ah, an easy one to start with. Sorry, but I’m inexplicably nervous doing this. I was born in the village of Melton, in the house that is part of The Stables, which is a riding school and livery yard. It’s been in my family for decades. When I was born my mother was running the yard, now I do.
No need to be nervous, Laura. We’re all friends here 🙂 Do you have a lot of horses to look after? How do you manage?
I have fourteen stables and currently twelve are occupied. Plus, there are around thirty ponies that we use in the riding school. I say we, when I mean Pip. She does all the teaching, I run the livery side. We also have the help of Harry O’Connor, a local artist. Between us we get all the horses exercised each day. Then at weekends there are always some horse-mad youngsters around to help out. It’s busy, but we cope.
What do you like to do for fun?
Now that’s a question that shows how boring I am. Because as if riding horses every day for other people wasn’t enough, when I get the chance to do something for fun, I choose to ride my own horse, Rooster. Sometimes we get to do cross-country or go eventing and those are always our favourite times.
Who is your closest friend?
Harry. As I said before he works in the yard, doing far more hours than I ever pay him for, which is much appreciated. But we’ve known each other for a long, long time. Since he left the racing yards in Ireland and ended up on our doorstep actually. He, and whichever girl he was dating, often used to come out with Matt and me socialising so we got to know him pretty well. And he’s ended up as my closest friend because he’s been by my side through everything since.
And Matt is? Your boyfriend? Husband?
Was. He was my first husband.
I’m sorry to hear that didn’t work out, Laura. And I hope you don’t think I’m prying but do you have a romantic partner now?
Oh yes, my second husband, Seb. We got married in something of a whirlwind a couple of years ago so it’s still all very romantic.
That’s lovely, and is he the person you would turn to for help?
Oh, yes, absolutely. Unless it was anything to do with the horses in which case, he’d be no good at all. I guess I’d have to ask Harry then.
So, a bit of a searching one to end on, Laura. What keeps you up at night? Or with all that exercise are you dead to the world?
I have to take pills to sleep unfortunately. And Matt’s the reason why
That intrigues me, Laura, but I won’t press you further for details, I can see it’s personal.
It is, but if you want to know more it is all in A Killer Strikes, of course.
Indeed, it is. Laura, thank you for giving up your time today, I can see Scout is getting restless though and wants to get back out to the yard so I will let you go.
Yes, we’ll get moving but thank you once again for inviting us. It’s been fun.

Image by Anja-#pray for ukraine# #helping hands# stop the war from Pixabay
The A Killer Strikes eBook is now available to pre-order. The publication date is 1 January 2023.
Book Description
The perfect family… The perfect murders…
A family massacred. A village in mourning. Can anyone sleep safely while a killer is on the loose?
Laura Percival, owner of The Stables, notices something wrong at her friend’s house when out on her morning ride. Further investigation reveals scenes she’ll never forget.
While the police are quick to accuse, Laura is less so, defending those around her as she struggles to make sense of the deaths. And all the time she wonders if she really knew her friends at all.
A chance encounter opens up a line of investigation that uncovers a secret life. One that Laura is much closer to than she ever realised.
A Killer Strikes is a gripping domestic thriller. If you like character-driven action, suspenseful storytelling and dark revelations then you’ll love this exciting novel.
If this looks like something you might like to read, you can find the eBook at your favourite bookshop HERE. Or click on the book cover.
There will be a paperback and hardback available too, but I can’t put those on pre-order, so they are set up and ready to go, I just need to hit the publish button nearer to 1January 2023.
This was a good idea for a blog post, Georgia. I wish you every success with your forthcoming novel. It sounds intriguing.
Thanks, Heather. It was fun to write 😀