Blue Sky Tag

Thanks to Sarah Brentyn for sort of tagging me and making me answer these questions she made up. Yes, she made them up. That’s in the rules. Yes, there are rules, they are at the bottom. Damn it, I’ve only just realised that means I’ve got to make up some questions too…

I had fun anyway, so here goes…

Do you judge a book by its cover?

Yes, absolutely. We all do. Having said that I’m very open minded when it comes to books so I would be completely happy for someone to give me a book, without a cover, and I would give it a go.

What’s your favorite color? (Specific shade would be awesome…just saying.)

Green – it’s the colour of nature and every other colour goes with it because of that. I find it calming. I chose evergreen carpets which are not meant to show the dirt… ahem… they lied. And I have blue green walls which I’ve never tired of.

Which animal is smarter: chimpanzees or dolphins? (Except if Geoff Le Pard plays because he will say “mice”.)

I’m tempted to say chimpanzees but I think this is a trick question and it will be dolphins. However these two and Geoff Le Pard’s answer would all be wrong because it is actually pigs.

What’s your least favorite part about writing: editing, revising, or proofreading?

Revising I think. If there is a difference between editing and revising? I like editing but I’m assuming revising is rewriting, and I don’t like that. I get someone else to do the proofreading as I can’t do that with any degree of proficiency.

Are there any mythological creatures you wish were real? 

Dragons, I think. As long as I was the one in charge of them. No one would mess with you if you had a dragon, would they? And you could fly everywhere.

Which ridiculously popular book did you not enjoy?

Most books of the moment are so over-hyped they’re never going to live up to expectations and therefore I rarely read them. However, I think The Girl on the Train was one of those for me.

Do You Prefer / Which Would You Rather questions:

Pen or pencil

Pen – A black Bic medium to be precise.

Wine or beer

Wine, red.

Bean bags or straight-back chairs

Bean bags.

A pile of proofreading or a stack of math worksheets

Well I’ve already said I can’t proofread but as maths is too close to my day job I’ll take the proofreading, as long as it’s someone else’s work – I’ll spot the mistakes then!

Monty Python or Three Stooges

Monty Python, of course??

There’s a thing about 11 for this tag: 11 tags, 11 answers, 11 questions… Something like that.

I’m rubbish at tagging people (do I know 11 people?) plus you might be busy then there’s all that added pressure of feeling like you have to do this, so no I’m going with this…

Consider yourself tagged.

Join in, have a bit of bloggy fun, use the fabulous Blue Sky Tag banner (that Rachael Ritchey designed).

If you’re going to play, here are your questions:

  1. If you had to change your name, what would you change it too?
  2. What was your favourite childhood injury?
  3. Given the choice would you be a Bond girl, a Bond villain or James Bond himself?
  4. If you were to write a book about yourself, what would you call it?
  5. Which character from any book do you most relate to? (and do tell me why!)
  6. If you could eliminate one thing from your daily schedule, what would it be?
  7. Pilates, or Pie and Lattes?
  8. Sunsets or sunrises?
  9. India or Iceland?
  10. Cocktail or cuppa?
  11. The Stones or The Beatles?

So, there you go. Let me know if you take up the challenge, I’d love to read your answers.

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4 Responses to Blue Sky Tag
  1. You played! I love green-blue, blue-green, turquoise, teal… All good stuff there. I can see why you never tire of it. It wasn’t a trick question (but that’s so cool about pigs). Yeah, I was thinking of revising as the rewriting part.

    I’m with you on dragons! Also, more than happy to hang out in some bean bags drinking red wine and watching Monty Python with you. Would be a fun night!

    Great (difficult) questions you’ve come up with. Love those.

  2. 1, Julie Lovejoy ( dont know why )
    2, Broke my left arm when i was about 7, trying to be Evel Kerneval on my push bike, didnt turnout like i thought it would , lol
    3, James Bond
    4, My trials and tribulations
    5, Winnie the pooh, as i love my sweet things too and have a problem with a large belly lol
    6, Work, dont have the time for it with the horses etc
    7, easy, pie and lattes
    8, sunrises
    9, iceland
    10, cocktail
    11, Beetles

    • Brilliant, Ann! Thanks for playing along and giving me such fabulous answers 😀 Winnie the Pooh, of course, and yes, we’d absolutely give up work in favour of looking after the horses – hahaha! I might just call you Julie from now on 😀 😀 xx


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