When I started planning the A Shade Darker series, I had a simple idea in my head: Twelve books, each one covering a different sin, or the breaking of a commandment, because of there only being seven sins. As soon as I started my research, it quickly became apparent this was never going to be simple. Sins, or the act of sinning, rarely means just one sin is committed or one commandment is broken, one, or more, lead to another. Adultery committed through envy, for example. Or murder because of anger. Then, of course, there are the degrees of sinning along the way to consider too.
I was also shocked by how much of a sinner, or breaker of commandments, I was. I’d never really thought about it before but, we all are, really. How many of can truly say we are without sin? I’m obviously not saying we all do the big ones; murder, adultery, theft. But what about those that feel like the less serious ones? Have we never experienced pride, envy, greed, and gluttony? I know I have.
As I start each book I write down the commandments likely to be broken and the sins the story will incorporate. For A Stolen Future I wrote down – Theft – Pride – Envy. Make of that what you will.
If you’d like to see what those three words spiralled into the eBook of A Stolen Future is available to pre-order now. It will be published on the 1st April 2025 but if you pre-order now, it will be delivered seamlessly to your reading device without you having to give it another thought. Simples!
Click on one of the images or HERE if you’d like to find out more.
Thank you x
And from those first thoughts, four brilliant books were written , Georgia… wonderful!
You are too kind… thank you 🙂
Since I’m reading The Shape of Revenge right now, I will see what sins are committed and what commandments are broken. Of course, I have never sinned or broken any commandments!
No, of course, you haven’t. You are far too lovely in every way 🙂