I hold a place that a million would kill for but no one knows the reality, no one can fully comprehend the sacrifice it has taken, the time, the effort, the work.
And the speculation, the endless speculation, I have endured.
Every aspect of my life, and those of my family, dissected. Our bloodline examined, ancestral weaknesses revealed – each detail pored over by the papers and their readership. Assumptions leapt to. Judgements made.
We did alright though, my family and I, we scrubbed up well, as they say. Nothing embarrassing found in our background, none of those pesky skeletons in the closet.
I worked hard. The right clothes, the right words, the right gestures. Every moment planned, every photo opportunity examined for potential pitfalls. Told what I had to wear, how I had to behave, what I had to say.
Worldwide coverage of the big day, of course – so many horses, so many guards, doing that thing the British do so well and carrying it off magnificently. The crowds lining the streets, the party atmosphere, a day never to be forgotten.
Our married life began. Privileged, if you don’t value your freedom, but that’s what you’ve signed up for and fabulous opportunities await that others can only dream of.
And now I stand in front of the doors through which we are about to leave and I take a deep breath, knowing outside the world is waiting, knowing that what has been before was nothing to what will follow now. I glance across at my prince, receive a reassuring smile and we walk out onto a sunny street, the crowd erupting as a million camera shutters blink and I look down into those beautiful blue eyes, as proud and delighted as any new parent, a future king in my arms.
For info on how to enter your blog post in the Bloggers Bash Post Competition click here.
I am delighted to be able to come back and add here that this entry came 3rd!! Highly delighted with that. Many thanks to the judge for their time and all the organisers of the Bloggers Bash for running the competition, it was a great exercise.
A lovely piece of flash fiction and a very worthy winner. 🙂
Aww, thank you, very kind of you to say so and thank you for reading 🙂
[…] The Proverbial Fairytale […]
Hello Georgia Rose
I loved this story. Very touching.
Aww, thank you. It’s very kind of you to stop by, read and comment, Laura. 😀
Really beautiful
Thank you, you’re very kind. 🙂
Genuinely loved this flash piece.
Thanks for letting me know, Ken. Much appreciated 😀