It was at about this time that people around me (those people on the very short list of those who knew about my book!) started to ask what I was planning to do with it. I hadn’t thought this far ahead being quite happy to just write but with some encouragement I did start to wonder if others would love my characters as much as I did.
Gradually I came to think that maybe I could go down the self publishing route and see what the reaction was. I did a little research and finding that I would need a book cover I put one together with the help of Gaynor Maher at Skinny Dog Design:-
As in my last post I still wasn’t happy with the book but didn’t know what to do to it to make it right so in my naivety I thought I’d find someone to proof read it to make it as tidy as possible. I was very fortunate to find Kate Haigh of Kateproof who, after reading a small sample, agreed to take on the task.
I heard back from her within a couple of days when she very honestly told me that having started, and having had the opportunity of a longer look at the text she thought it needed the attention of a copy editor first, advice for which I was extremely grateful.
She recommended I contact Helen Hart of SilverWood Books of whom she’d heard good things. SilverWood Books offer a professional publishing service for the self-funding author. I had a good look at their website and got in touch, sending a sample of my book to Helen. She was in touch quickly asking to see the whole manuscript and offering to give me a free appraisal before advising on what she thought might be needed. The following week passed extremely slowly waiting for her verdict!
Currently reading ‘The Cuckoo’s Calling’ by Robert Galbraith
Oh I’m intrigued….. Like the daffodils on the cover. Makes me think of spring, fresh starts and English countryside (although they are the welsh flower!)
I hadn’t thought about the Welsh flower connection at all! I haven’t actually specified where my fictitious setting is so I guess it could be in Wales but in my mind it’s in the south of England in soft beautiful countryside……and near the sea, with golden beaches and rocky cliffs! Many thanks for your comment – Spring and fresh starts……..very good!
I agree with Lorna, daffodils always remind me of Spring with the promise of Summer to come.
The Title and Cover would attract me to the book, but it’s the 20 seconds reading the blurb on the back that would make me buy it ! How good is your blurb?
Thanks for your very positive comment! I’m pleased you like the blurb as I found it really hard to write! Should I go down the self publishing route I shall stick with it I think as it has gone down well so far!
Congratulations on your book; a singular achievement and labour of love. A colleague recently went down the self-publishing route, interestingly, also the first in a trilogy (book two available shortly!), so, it is a method that can work.
Judging a book by a cover is dangerous; we all bring our prejudices and preconceptions to bear. I’m afraid the cover says ‘Woman’s Weekly’ to me, for the older (and I’m in my fifties) woman looking for a gentle and not too challenging read. If that’s your market – bingo, but I would not buy. Indeed, I would not pick up, which is a shame, as I might, be sufficiently intrigued to purchase by the ‘blurb’ on the back!
Hi Lisa
Thank you for your comment and for the very useful feedback on the cover, it is much appreciated. If you read my latest post you will see I am approaching Literary Agents at the moment (just to see what happens) and before going down the self publishing route so fingers crossed as if that were successful no doubt any publisher would put a fabulous cover together!
I love the cover, I would definitely pick it up to see what it’s about, the title leads me to want to know more and the snippet is enough to tease me enough to want to buy the book to read.
So all round 100% from me – one I shall be watching out for for a good read.
Thank you for such a great comment – I shall definitely let you know when it is available!
At first glance the cover looks as if it may be an introduction to gardening or planting bulbs but I do see the connection with spring and better days to come. It was the short description that made me want to read the book though. I am also interested to learn about the process of getting a book published or of self publishing so enjoyed reading the entries on the website.
Many thanks for your comment – I appreciate the feedback and shall definitely have to work on the cover if I eventually self publish as it clearly needs some livening up! Very pleased to see that the blurb would have made you want to read it though – I’m part way there with my marketing then! It sounds as if you are writing yourself so thank you for reading my posts. I spent the last week or so submitting to several literary agents and a digital publisher that is accepting submissions so will be writing a post soon with an update although it is a lengthy process and it will be many weeks before I hear anything back from anyone.