I have recently started adding the reviews I’ve written to BookBub by taking them straight from Goodreads, a few at a time. I thought as I could no longer add them to Amazon.com this was a good way of sharing them with a, mostly, US based audience. As I’ve been adding them I’ve been reminded of some terrific reads which lead me directly onto this…


Renee at It’s Book Talk began the Throwback Thursday meme as a way to share old favourites, as well as books that have been waiting on the ‘to be read’ pile for however long, and are finally getting an airing. I have seen posts on Between the Lines and  Alison Williams Writing and I shall be sharing old favourites using this hashtag.

Carla Final

Carla is a book that will stay with me for a long time*. The mark of great storytelling for me is whether or not I can leave the characters whilst I’m reading and my emotions after I’ve finished the book. If I say that I read this in less than a day and I didn’t want it to end you get the picture.

I rooted for John, I loved Carla, it made me cry and I was left feeling bereft (this is always a good thing!). The characters were wonderfully drawn and the detail of the darker aspects of John and his history so knowledgeable and assured I trusted Barry completely. Truly brilliant writing in a style I love and I shall definitely be reading more from this author.

*This it turns out is an understatement…I only have to turn to that opening page to want to read it all over again…and wish it was for the first time.

And because I know you’ll all want your own copy…

Amazon UK

Amazon US


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4 Responses to #ThrowbackThursday ~ Carla by Mark Barry @GreenWizard62 #psychological
  1. Could you post about HOW to leave reviews on BookBub?
    I keep reading about people doing it, but not how. I have scanned BookBub but no clues there either…

  2. I loved this book, Georgia. Well worth a re-visit.


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