I have recently started adding the reviews I’ve written to BookBub by taking them straight from Goodreads, a few at a time. I thought as I could no longer add them to Amazon.com this was a good way of sharing them with a, mostly, US based audience. As I’ve been adding them I’ve been reminded of some terrific reads which lead me directly onto this…
Renee at It’s Book Talk began the Throwback Thursday meme as a way to share old favourites, as well as books that have been waiting on the ‘to be read’ pile for however long, and are finally getting an airing. I have seen posts on Between the Lines and Alison Williams Writing and I shall be sharing old favourites using this hashtag.
Pattern of Shadows is a truly wonderful book. Beautifully written this romantic yet heartbreaking love story flows at a perfect pace throughout. I started off thinking one thing only to find my preconceptions wrong as Barrow skilfully leads you through this tale of life at the end of WWII for one young woman, Mary, and her family.
Barrow’s characters are fully rounded and very real and I quickly grew attached feeling empathy for them in the situations they faced throughout this satisfying story. Not wanting this one to end I was delighted to find that, though a complete story in itself, it is the first in a trilogy and I immediately bought the second part. The final instalment is on the way. I recommend this to anyone who enjoys well written and gripping storytelling by an excellent author.
This review was originally posted on the 10 May 2014
The all important purchase links!
Another great series – and choice 🙂
Thank you. Yes, I loved this one, and I still have A Hundred Tiny Threads to get to 😀