I chose to read this book as a proud member of Rosie’s Book Review Team and received a copy from the author. This has not affected my review in any way.
Backstories is a great idea. Take famous people from history, ancient or more recent, and write a short backstory about them allowing the reader to uncover who they are as the story progresses. I enjoyed reading the stories in this book. There were 14 in all. I knew 12 of them and by swapping notes with another review team member I found out who the others were. It might have been helpful to have had a list of the answers at the back. I found that some of them were very clearly signposted, others, not so much. For me, however, the best bit was that I enjoyed the writing throughout all of the stories very much and don’t hesitate in recommending this book to all who like well-written short stories with a small mystery to solve.
Thank you Georgia.
You’re welcome, Rosie.
It sounds like a fun and stimulating read! Enticing review 🙂
Thanks, Luccia, it is an enjoyable read and something that little bit different.
What a terrific idea for a book. Thanks for sharing!
You’re welcome, Barb. You’re right, it is a good idea.
I enjoyed this one too!
Good to hear, Sue. Thanks for stopping by.