In Crime and PUNKishment the writers show in words and photos the time when punk burst into the public consciousness and how it affected them. There is an awful lot of good stuff in this book and if you are into punk, or grew up in that scene you will enjoy this read – there’s something for everyone. For me just some of the highlights were:

Drugs and Booze and Cigarettes and Catholicism by Tom DeSavia. 13 and falling in love with punk rock happened the same year he tried drugs the first time. This is very well written and hooked me right into the story.

The gobsmacking coincidental outcome that’s every fans dream in Black Hole Kid by Robert ‘Fysh’ Silverman. Brilliant.

An interesting and true story from this side of the pond called ‘Bollocks’ involving Richard Branson and Johnny Rotten written with great eloquence and panache, as always, by Mark Barry.

Record Shopping by Brenda Perlin brought a smile to my face with the memories of my own similar, although completely different, music shopping experiences over in the UK. I also loved her ‘The Best Night of my Life’ Forty Years of Punk… and Uber, that was unexpected.

Then I’m back with Fysh again for Second Time Around, and it’s all about The Damned with another terrific story.

On the darker side there’s a lot in this book on the self-destruction involved. The drugs, violence, riots, deaths and suicides as well as much reflection and sadness with one death too many changing the paths of some. It’s an honest account direct from the hearts of those involved.

On a lighter note there are interviews with characters, musicians and players in the punk scene together with loads of photos. Like I said at the beginning, something for everyone and a lot of work has gone into pulling this book together and presenting it so well. Good job to all involved and highly recommended.

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2 Responses to #TuesdayBookBlog #BookReview for Crime and PUNKishment presented by Brenda Perlin @BrooklynandBo #Punk
  1. Worth it for the title alone!


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