The growing industry of independent publishing and the opportunities now available to those who want to get their words out into the world may have some issues in certain areas with regard to quality, but it has also made it possible for families to put together precious keepsakes in the form of the memoirs of loved ones. Daydreams and Narcoleptic Nightmares is one such book.

In this case S Bavey has taken on the task of producing a collection of her late father’s memoirs, prose and poetry and covers the fact that her father, John Cornelius Rogers, suffered from narcolepsy and cataplexy as well as the side effects from the drugs taken for those conditions.

I enjoyed reading this book and liked the way John Rogers wrote, a dry sense of humour throughout. Part I covers his early years and school days along with his life through his RAF days and on into employment and married life. Holidays and hobbies are also covered plus miscellaneous items including a chapter on narcolepsy and cataplexy. Part II contains a collection of poetry. I think my favourite parts were the tales about his life as he grew up.

There are some lovely photos in this book, and it’s been put together really well so I think anyone who enjoys memoir would get a lot from reading this one.

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2 Responses to #TuesdayBookBlog #Bookreview for Daydreams and Narcoleptic Nightmares – Memoirs and Poems by John Cornelius Rogers – collected and edited by S Bavey @SueBavey #memoir #poetry #narcolepsy
  1. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and review my late dad’s memoirs and poetry! I really appreciate it! X


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