I chose to read this book as a member of Rosie’s Book Review Team and received a copy from the publisher, but this does not alter my review in any way.

I am so glad I picked Rizzio. I knew nothing of the story before reading it so it was all the more thrilling, and horrifying. It reminded me why I always enjoy reading historical fiction when I manage to get back to it. I would have hated living during these times but at a distance love all the drama and intrigue of the royal court, which on this occasion is at Holyrood, Edinburgh.

This is the story of the murder of David Rizzio, close friend and personal secretary of Mary, Queen of Scots, who also happens to have been the lover of her husband, Lord Darnley. The action takes place over a weekend in March 1566. Mary is six months pregnant and Darnley wants Rizzio to be killed in front of her in the hope she will miscarry. But the murder is just the start of what is planned as unknown to Mary conspiracy and betrayal brings an army of men creeping into the castle.

Extremely well written, the fact the story is told in the present tense brings an immediacy to the text. The prose is taut, the read fast and, as a slightly odd observation, the chapter titles are excellent!

I highly recommend this to everyone who enjoys well told stories. It is superb.


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6 Responses to #TuesdayBookBlog #Bookreview for Rizzio by Denise Mina #historicalfiction #RBRT
  1. Sounds great! Thanks.

  2. I have this to read – very much looking forward to it!


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