The Faces that you Meet is the story of Rachel, a young woman hanging on to her twenties by her fingernails and not enjoying the dating scene much. She meets Simon and they have a brief relationship but after a few warning signs, then an alarming incident, she finishes with him. However, he’s not about to take no for an answer.

Fortunately, Rachel lives with a flatmate and friend, Alison, and she provides good support for Rachel when she doesn’t want to leave the flat alone in case Simon is waiting for her. Rachel goes home to stay with her parents for a few days but on her return to town she is horribly attacked and ends up in hospital with life-changing injuries. The police obviously become involved as her attacker is sought.

When Simon is arrested Rachel is relieved but naturally nothing is ever that simple and when a few things don’t add up Rachel is not convinced they have the right person after all.

I shall leave it there for fear of giving any spoilers but this is a well thought through story with plenty of likeable and unlikeable characters and if crime fiction is your thing then you might want to give this one a go.

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