I chose to read Things We Do for Love as a member of Rosie’s Book Review Team and received a copy of the book from the author. This does not alter my review in any way.
This story mainly follows the three Bach sisters; Heather, Daisy and Iris who are planning their father, Sol’s, 80th birthday party. The sisters generally live their own independent lives each with their fair share of challenges and successes, good days and bad, such as normal lives are filled with.
It is always interesting to read stories where adult siblings are brought back together for some reason. When the story is told from the different characters points of view it is doubly interesting as their thoughts and feelings often slip back into childhood patterns. Old irritations and resentments rise to the fore as well as jealousies and perceived grievances over the different relationships each had with their parents. When these three sisters have to deal with the stroke that Sol is struck down by, as well as the gradual decline of their difficult mother, Verity, into Alzheimer’s, they face common situations that many who read this will recognise.
Things We Do for Love was a nice story about the interactions between family members and the impact childhood memories can have on the rest of our lives.
Sounds very good. Thanks.
Glad you enjoyed it, Darlene.
Thank you Georgia.
You’re welcome, Rosie.