So, I’ve gone on holiday, as in an abroad, proper lie down and do nothing but read holiday, for the first time since 2019. Where There’s Doubt was the book I’d started before I left on my travels. I read it continuously on the flight and finished it once I’d reached my first destination, just before my afternoon nap – what a treat! Both the book and the nap.

What always impresses me most about Tyler’s books is her complete understanding of how relationships work. Their strengths, their weaknesses. The motivations as to why people form them. What sustains them and what causes them to fail. In this case it is all about fake and toxic relationships.

I wondered where the surprise was going to be with this one as we know from the start that Nico is a romance con artist. We see exactly what he is doing as he lures each of his marks along the path to where they hand over their money to him. However, I was not disappointed as I didn’t see the twist coming. I also liked the fallout, the consequences of each character’s actions.

I won’t go into all the ins and outs of what happens to who and how but I will say I had a special fondness for Minerva (class), Heather (heartbreak) and Kate (soul searching). And this is what I mean about Tylers work. She manages a large cast of characters, makes them come alive as you read so you care for them, or not. And combines super characters with a cracking story that keeps the pages turning. Top stuff and highly recommended.

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8 Responses to #TuesdayBookBlog #Bookreview for Where There’s Doubt by Terry Tyler @TerryTyler4 #psychological #romanticsuspense
  1. …. and thank you once more!

  2. Great review. I totally agree on all counts, Georgia!

  3. A great review of Terry’s book. Another to add to my list.

  4. Great review, Georgia. It sounds intriguing and engaging. I enjoy romantic suspense novels, so it’s now on my kindle. I look forward to reading.


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