I bought Sugar and Snails a long time ago but then other books got in the way so I was delighted to get a reminder of it when it appeared on the list for Rosie’s Book Review team and, as I am a member of that team, I happily moved it up my reading list. I’m so glad I did.

This story is about Diana who made a monumental decision aged just fifteen and, now aged forty-five, I felt that while that moment changed everything for her, she has still been living in some sort of hiatus for the last thirty years. Existing, rather than living, I suppose, as she wasn’t comfortable sharing who she was, not even with the closest of her friends, let alone with the new man in her life, Simon.

Diana is a psychology lecturer so there is some psychology in the book but it’s well explained, and interesting. I also enjoyed the structure of this story with alternate sections revealing the story of Diana’s childhood. This was so well written there was no chance of getting confused and I found it kept the interest level high, and the pages turning, because you wanted to find out what exactly had happened in Egypt all those years ago.

The depictions of Diana’s family were very well done too. The parents, who I initially thought rather uncaring, were actually, understandably, confused and at a loss as to what to do with their child. Her father, particularly, clearly haunted by what had happened to his friend when they were in the forces together, and later on. His guilt plain to see.

This story covers a highly controversial topic sensitively and the author writes these words at the end of the book, ‘I hope you find my words worthy of your time’. I most certainly did and I highly recommend this most excellent read.


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9 Responses to #TuesdayBookBlog #bookreview Sugar and Snails by Anne Goodwin @Annecdotist #RBRT #LGBTQ+ #literary #fiction
  1. I have this book on my KIndle as well. I must move it up. Thanks for the great review.

  2. An excellent review, Georgia. x

  3. I’m reading it at the moment, Georgia, and you are right. An amazing book.


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