Thorne Moore has been on my radar as an author I must read for a long time now. In fact, as it turns out, I bought her book A Time for Silence back in 2014, but still haven’t got to it. And what a mistake that was.

I chose to read The Covenant, the prequel to A Time for Silence, as a member of Rosie Amber’s Book Review Team, and received a copy from the publisher. This does not alter my review one iota.

The Owen family are bound by covenant to hold a tenancy of 24 acres, 1 rood and 8 perches and Leah sacrifices years doing her duty to her family and a God, she eventually no longer believes in, to keep the land. The story of her life is a hard one with blow after blow being dealt as she is gradually worn down while, with a stoicism that’s hard to imagine, she has to watch another living the life she should have had.

What is clear throughout this book is the vast amount of research Moore must have done in order to settle this story so comfortably in its surroundings. I was completely absorbed by the setting and the characters that inhabited it.

Every character is wonderful but I thought Leah was exceptional and Moore’s portrayal of her extremely well done. What else can I say… the writing is superb, I did not want to put this book down and I urge anyone reading this to buy it now and start reading. I will definitely be enjoying A Time for Silence soon.

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