I’ll be honest and say that generally self-help books don’t form part of my reading but after picking up How I Changed My Life in a Year (click on the title for my review of that book) out of curiosity, and finding it useful, I was keen to download How I Motivated Myself to Succeed when it was released recently.
Whereas How I changed my Life in a Year was written as a memoir type self-help book rather than an instruction manual How I Motivated Myself to Succeed is the practical guide which tells you how this author took on, and conquered, her 12 months of challenges.
Following reading her first book I had tackled one particular problem area in my life but having now read the follow up I’ve realised that I was lacking focus with what I was attempting. This book has shown me how to set a goal and go about achieving what I set out to do and I feel much more in control, now that I know where I am headed. I shall definitely be applying this to other challenges I want to set myself.
Shelley Wilson is not perfect; she makes that clear in her books. She is honest about the times she has failed, about the things she has struggled with and the days she has not felt positive and upbeat. This is what makes her books so relatable. She is not some super-woman able to have and do it all, but she has spent a lot of time working out how to get the best out of her life, and is willing to pass on what she finds works for her in a clear, easy to follow way that just might motivate you to take on some challenges of your own.
Highly recommended for all those who have stuff to do, and who actually want to get it done!
Wow, thank you so much for this wonderful review, Georgia. I’m so glad you found my book helpful. Finding that focus is so important. xx
You’re welcome, Shelley. I’m glad I could tie it in with the interview 😀
Erm… I have stuff to do and want to get it done. 😉 Great review, Georgia. I love when people like a book that is not their usual genre. Says so much about the book.
Oh I try to read as widely as possible, Sarah. I’ve found so many wonderful books by doing that. Thanks for stopping by and commenting 🙂