This story opens with Sean Delaney attending the funeral of a friend and one time mentor, James Wilde, at which James’ daughter, Anna, announces that her father was murdered and the police won’t do anything about it. This is Sean’s cue to get involved with Anna. But it is not long before Anna goes missing and Sean will do anything to find her.
Sean is an artist, among other things, as was James and this story plunges into the belly of the art world, including forgeries and art theft scams that could bring the art world down.
Sean can be a tad naïve at times: when he gets enrolled by a police officer to work undercover is one example, his experiences with women, another. However, he is an extremely likeable character and you do root for him throughout this story. This is an entertaining thriller filled with plenty of plot, sub-plots, twists and turns as well as great characters.
I reviewed the first book in this series, Black Ice, HERE.