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So…my cherished novel, A Single Step, is now available on various sites, its sales are pleasing me and today my first (5*) review was posted by someone I don’t know! My mystery reviewer has no idea how much joy they have brought me!  It’s exciting, more than exciting actually – it’s all I’ve wanted for […]

As promised I have stopped procrastinating and have published my book. It has been uploaded onto several sites so there should be a format to suit all and it can be downloaded to read on many different types of phone, PC, tablet and reader. I now need to get the word out to as many people as […]

I would really like to be announcing with that title that I had achieved some sort of success towards my goal of getting published but alas so far that has not been the case. However – Yeah!  Have just succeeded in the NaNoWriMo challenge of writing 50,000 words in the month of November and had my […]

It’s NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) which is very exciting as, after taking October off to spend my time submitting my first novel to literary agents and publishers (as a quick update – so far unsuccessfully),  I am itching to get back to writing. My second book in The Grayson Trilogy is called Before the […]

My most useful book at the moment is the Writers’ and Artists’ Yearbook . It’s packed with information that covers everything to do with writing and is a great place to start researching literary agents. There are several chapters which give a great insight into the world of the literary agent. These cover everything from why you […]

A quick word about the website, as I mentioned before I had thought I might self publish ‘A Single Step’ so thought I’d set up a very simple website. I say ‘I’ as if I was actually going to be the one to do that, in fact it was the good people at Deeho who […]

Helen Hart of SilverWood Books came back to me promptly with her appraisal and recommendation that I have a structural edit done with a choice of copy edit if I preferred. A structural edit was what I knew I needed, it would take three weeks to complete.

It was at about this time that people around me (those people on the very short list of those who knew about my book!) started to ask what I was planning to do with it. I hadn’t thought this far ahead being quite happy to just write but with some encouragement I did start to […]