It was time to leave our cossetted life at the hotel. I fitted in fifty lengths before a breakfast that I took full advantage of. Well it would be silly not too! Our car was delivered and as we couldn’t get into our next place until early afternoon we headed off to get some supplies for the week.
With our car weighed down with alcohol refreshing beverages, crisps and snacks healthy fruit and other assorted groceries we arrived at our villa in Qala. After unloading our goodies in the full heat of the day a rejuvenating Cisk and nap took care of the afternoon.
The place we are staying in is magnificent! There is a terrific pool and the views are stunning. We can see right across to Comino and Malta and we are out in the countryside. There is a field next door with small straw bales littered across it following the harvest.
At the bottom of the garden are orange trees and one lemon tree laden with fruit and we are told we can help ourselves.
We sunbath by the pool once the heat has gone out of the day. Then later wander into the village to eat and, exhausted by having done very little, we retire early.
There is one thing that I have never managed to grasp on Gozo and that is the language. To my shame I can’t even say please and thank you and I’ve always managed at least that in any other country I’ve been in before.
Here Maltese and English are the official languages. Italian is widely spoken, German to a lesser extent. The Arab influence shows itself in the language, Maltese, 70 per cent of which is Arabic in origin.
As I was passing through the airport I picked up what I thought would be a handy little booklet of the Top 10 Maltese Phrases. Hurrah I thought! It turned out none of these were please or thank you.
I’ve put some examples below and this is the problem I have. Because of the Arabic influence I don’t really know where to start with the pronunciation.

What’s the Wifi password?

Let’s take a selfie!

Where can I charge my phone?
All efforts to ‘have a go’ at the language are dismissed here anyway as English is so common but I must do better:
Please = jekk jogħġbok (not sure how to tackle that!)
Thank you = Grazzi (okay, so that one is embarrassingly simple… I am hanging my head in shame and just need to remember it for next time)
I have now got into my holiday reading and the second book, and review, I have for you is all about cats! Feline Cognition – Scientific evidence of cat intelligence and ways to test it at home by Carla Eatherington. This is a fascinating read and I don’t even have a cat! You can read my review right here.
Holidays since becoming an independent author are not the same as they once were and mine now wouldn’t be complete without a few challenges. So I decided to set myself some stuff to do, what with the new book on the horizon and all that. So here goes.
List of goals for the week:
Blurb and back matter to write – totally my most important task!
No. of books to read – 12 (okay so I am being ridiculously ambitious here but these are what I have on my seriously-I-have-to-get-to-these-right-now list!)
No. of book reviews to write – 12 (hahaha! Although it does stand to reason)
No of blog posts to write up for lead up to publishing – 14 (based on the list of ideas I’ve had, though not all may make the final cut!)
Keep a diary each day so I can do a series of posts on my return.
Interviews to plan questions for – 5
Clearing emails out of Inbox – no. at start of holiday – 4967!
If you missed Day 1 and want to catch up, you can by clicking on this link here! And Day 2 is right here. 😀
Thanks for reading
Georgia x
My posts from 2015!
#Gozo – 1st Day – Winding Down in Westworld!
#Gozo – 2nd Day – Cars and Cliff Tops!!
#Gozo – Day 3 – Baggy Bits and Beaches!
#Gozo – Day 4 – Sea, Snorkelling and Shoals!
#Gozo – Day 5 – Fireworks, Festa’s and Fish!
#Gozo – Day 6 – Rosinas and Relaxation!
#Gozo – Day 7 – Fabulous Finds and Farewells
It looks idyllic, G. I’m very impressed with your healthy eating and drinking regime ;D
When you treat your body like a temple E you have a responsibility to continue that regime on holiday as well 😉 and it was idyllic, I can’t wait to return 🙂
Gosh! (Sigh) Looks and sounds like bliss. 🙂
It’s wonderful out there, I can’t wait until I’m back 🙂 thanks so much for liking and commenting.
[…] 1 – Day 2 – Day 3 – Day 4 – Day 5 – Day 6 – Day 7 – Day […]