All posts by: Georgia Rose

About Georgia Rose

Georgia Rose is a writer and the author of the romantic and suspenseful Grayson Trilogy books: A Single Step, Before the Dawn and Thicker than Water. A short story, The Joker, based on a favourite character from the series followed and is free to download from Amazon. Her fourth novel, Parallel Lies, a standalone, encompasses crime along with Georgia’s usual blending of genre. Following a long stint working in the law Georgia set up her own business providing administration services for other companies which she does to this day managing to entwine that work along with her writing. Georgia’s background in countryside living, riding, instructing and working with horses has provided the knowledge needed for some of her storylines; the others are a product of her passion for people watching and her overactive imagination! Her busy life is set in a tranquil part of rural Cambridgeshire in the UK where she lives with her much neglected husband and dog. Their son, currently at university, comes and goes and their daughter, having delighted them all for long enough, has eventually moved out, got married, and is discovering the joys of being all grown up and having a mortgage.

Having read West’s previous book, Rock’n’Roll Suicide (reviewed here), I’d been looking forward to reading Doppelganger and whilst you can sometimes be left feeling disappointed by a sequel I certainly wasn’t with this one. A strapline on the front cover intriguingly reads, ‘What happens if you fall in love with a killer?’ and this hints at […]

It’s Carla’s third birthday so it seems fitting that in my catch up of adding older reviews to my blog I put hers up today. If you want to find out more of how she came about there is a terrific new blog post out telling all…

I thoroughly enjoyed reading Kings and Queens and highly recommend it. The whole idea was well thought out and executed by Tyler with it being a modern day story based on Henry VIII and his wives but with enough differences for it to still have individuality.

It’s a truly wonderful thing to open a new book you’ve been really looking forward to from an author whose work you’ve enjoyed in the past. Of course there’s always the chance the book might not live up to your love of what you’ve read before so it’s a relief when you dive in and […]

Now, as I stated in my previous post here I am just starting Marinade Month and whilst my work in progress is locked away from prying eyes and meddling fingers I have set myself many, many tasks to complete. The problem is that I’m not very good at getting on with them…I procrastinate (which is […]

  Huzzah!! I have, quite unbelievably, managed to stick to the relentless schedule I have set for myself this year (so far anyway) and this week, in fact this very day, I have delivered copies of the draft of Thicker Than Water to its beta readers…those lucky, lucky people who get to read my jumble […]

Pattern of Shadows is a truly wonderful book. Beautifully written this romantic yet heartbreaking love story flows at a perfect pace throughout. I started off thinking one thing only to find my preconceptions wrong as Barrow skilfully leads you through this tale of life at the end of WWII for one young woman, Mary, and […]

The Ties That Bind is the second book in the Georgie Connelly Stories and it’s a terrific read. I really like the cast of characters Lindley is building through this series and she skilfully develops their personalities and interactions along with this compelling tale. I shall aim to write this review without giving away any spoilers!